Sunday, May 16, 2010

It's like this....

I just want to write a song. But I don't know what about. I don't know what I'm feeling.

There's this boy
He might like me
I might like him

There's this heart (There's these hearts)
It might be healed (They might be healed)
It might be falling (They might be falling)

Maybe, just maybe, I could fall for you and
Maybe, just maybe, you could fall for me

There's these friends
They might be friends
They might be more

There's these friends
They might be more
They might just work

Maybe, just maybe, I could fall for you and
Maybe, just maybe, you could fall for me

You're not who I thought you'd be
And maybe I'm not who you thought I'd be
But maybe we're who each other needs

Maybe, just maybe, I could fall for you and
Maybe, just maybe, you could fall for me

That'll work I guess. The second verse is ALWAYS the hardest to write. Gah.

1 comment:

Becky Schell said...

This is sweet, K. I remember when I was your age I was so anxious and ready for Mr. Right to come along. Be patient and trust God. He is guiding your steps and growing you with every footfall.