Friday, February 25, 2011

Chewed Up and Spit Out

Well. The show last night was fine. But this morning I had one of the "profs" here listen to the songs I'm supposed to be performing this week (and one I'm supposed to record tonight from midnight till 6 am) and he said he didn't like anything about either of them.

so that's cool.

Here's the deal. I can agree with a few of the critical remarks he had, yes, the lyrics of one song could be clearer and tighter. But. I disagree. I think they are good songs. And I hope it's not just because they're my songs. Part of it is that he is only hearing piano/vocal take and I don't mean for them to be piano driven songs. I just wrote them on piano. They're going to be acoustic guitar driven, kind of....ambient/folk/driving/mesh of sweetness.

But it's conflicting and confusing. Do I take every bit of feedback they give and implement it all? Do I trust myself and just ignore most of what everyone else says? Do I only listen to a few select people--and if so--which people? Is it just a matter of personal preference/taste? Or is he right? He showed me two examples of songs he thinks are the sound I'm aiming for done correctly. But the thing is--one of his complaints about one song was that it musically didn't go anywhere, the changes weren't interesting. But the first song he played for me of a "right" example was Love Song by Elton John. Hi--that song has two chords. I don't understand. Am I just being tested to see if I have good musical intuition and if I will stand my ground and trust what I think? I have no clue.

This calls for a grande carmel macchiato sub cinnamon for vanilla over ice. Or a shot. Either one really.

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