Right now I am sitting in hammer time and feel a little desperate
Desperate to play more
Desperate to sing more
Desperate to write more
Desperate to not be approaching the last round of CMC Live shows before tour prep starts
I came here to figure out how much I love music. To figure out if I could actually do something meaningful in music. To find out if I had it in me. Potential answers are: I love music. A lot. I can do something meaningful in music. It is in me. I just feel like I can't do it alone--I need someone to come do music with me and help me. But I think I'm ready to almost commit to the idea that I really, really want to do this.
Last Thursday was my second CMC live show and it was a pretty intense set for me. Very upbeat, rock music and I came out from behind the keyboard and just sang. Ultra scary for someone who has lived behind the keyboard her whole life. But totally worth it--I want to try it more. Sure, it wasn't a killer performance because it was way outside of my comfort zone, but it didn't look like it and with enough practice I could totally pull it off.
So. Just a little desperate to DO music. More.

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