Monday, April 18, 2011

Time to Face Reality

The reality is
I am a mediocre songwriter
I am a mediocre singer
I am a mediocre pianist

I am a mediocre musician and more than likely this semester will be the highest point I will reach with my music. Put me in a room with people and I'll probably stand out as a songwriter, singer and pianist. But put me in a room with actual talent and I will not stand out--and that's just the truth. My voice--even if I were to dedicate a lot of time to working on it, will never have the kind of tone I want it to. It will never be an adequate medium to communicate the music I write--and that music is so hard for me to write in the first place. It doesn't come easily. I don't think I have a natural gifting for music or songwriting, I just love it.

But--if I'll never truly be stand out or exceptional, am I just wasting my time? I think the answer might be yes--but if that's true, then what am I supposed to be doing with my time--my life? I'm not really standout at anything.

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