Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Blah boys.

Just bored of boys, okay? This is who I attract:

bad boys.
good boys who are in really confusing seasons of their lives.

the end. Awesome. So tired of that.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Well. Since Greenville we've played at Wheaton College, had a free day in Chicago (which I spent as a lazy bum hanging around the hotel) and tonight we're playing at Cedarville University. Tomorrow we're at Malone University, Monday is Asbury University and then Tuesday we finish the tour with a show at the CMC. Every night I am more and more convinced that I love music and want to do it--which is scary because I don't know how. I don't know if I can. I don't know if the world will let me. But I want to. I love it.

On another note. I've just been thinking a lot about friendships and relationships lately. I realized that I have a hard time claiming what is mine in relationships--especially once it has been threatened. After that happens, I constantly feel insecure and become hyper sensitive--and I don't think people around me realize I can be that fragile. But I can. However, I think I need to work on being better at owning what is mine and not letting others take it from me. So that's my motivational thought for now.

Currently there is some kid on stage rap. Not sure how that is even a genre but...okay. More cowbell please.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Well. I'm sitting in the green room at Greenville college in Greenville, Illinois waiting for the show to start. Hows that for a lot of green? In about 30 minutes I"ll play in my first official CMC Live show. I cut and dyed my hair last night as well as acquired some glasses to make me look like Edna Mode from the Incredibles and tonight everyone says I look like her combined with a sexy librarian. So that's good I guess. Anyway--I'm pretty excited for tonights show. Everything on the stage is pretty loud (because this auditorium has a lot of cement walls so it's great for choirs, bad for band sound) so I'll likely be deaf by the end of the show--but no worries. It's totally worth. There have been a lot of issues with our show tomorrow at Wheaton college so I'm not even sure if it will end up happening.

It was mid 70's yesterday with a ton of humidity in Nashville. It's expected to be in the 30's tomorrow at Wheaton. Dang it. I was getting really used to the warm sunshine. Well. It's time to get my act together I suppose. Show time!

Sunday, March 20, 2011


I've never been one for being homesick. I mean sure, I miss home and family while I'm a school--but I've never been the type to have homesickness distract me or hold me back. However here, in Tennessee, I am debilitatingly homesick for Colorado. I think it's because I miss MY friends. I miss DEEP friendships. I miss MY group with OUR inside jokes and the way we just know how to read each other, how we know how to love each other, and how we are all pretty much on the same page. Maybe I'm too attached to them though. I mean, what if I'm so attached to what I have in Colorado now, that I won't ever be satisfied anywhere else? That's dangerous because what I have now in Colorado truly is temporary. The relationships aren't, but the we're-all-in-one-place-together probably is. Most of these friendships are most likely going to end up being long distance. I think I need to learn to invest more into where I am instead of just missing where I'm not/where I was.

That being said--I would love to see a familiar Colorado face right now. Someone who knows who my friends/mentors are in Colorado. Someone who understands and doesn't need prefatory remarks about my life before everything I say.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

My Eyelids Hate Me

Well. Scratch Track came and did a show here last night and it was pretty fantastic. Two guys doing some sweet stuff with beat boxing, loops and a guitar. Good show for sure.

I ended up staying up till 2 a.m. trying to record B3 for Tavis but we couldn't get it to work and so I went to bed around 2 or 2:30 and then got up to be back at the studio at 6:00 only I slept through my alarm and didn't get here till 6:30 but it was fine 'cause my tech slept through his alarm too and didn't get here till 7:00.

Currently, Tyler is working on guitar for Queen of May but having a hard time for it because the more we've rehearsed it, the more Rick has been telling us to speed it up so now the recording is definitely slower than we play it live and thus Tyler is having to completely redo his solo right now--at 7:45 a.m. I feel bad. Needless to say this recording session is not the smoothest we've ever had. But--we're working on two songs at once so we're definitely ahead of the game so it's okay I suppose.

Well. I really need to go find coffee.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Well I'm sick so that's obnoxious. I've had a crazy sore throat the last three days and decided to go to the doctor today because I was suspecting strep throat. Got two strep tests (yay me) and the first one turned up negative--so they sent the second one out to be cultured or something and I'll have those (more reliable) results Thursday or Friday. Until then, we're hoping it's just a ton of sinus drainage so I'm taking a butt load of Sudafed and got a prescription for Lidocaine--5 bottles of it to be exact. I don't think I'll be running low on that anytime soon. The stuff tastes terrible and makes me gag but man--it totally numbs my throat and very swollen tonsils so I'll put up with it.

I had to miss all my rehearsals today and I'm really bummed about that. Usually when I'm sick I'm all about getting out of as many things as I can to just rest but I really feel like I needed the rehearsal time. And mostly I felt up to it--but since I could potentially have strep it wasn't worth risking getting everyone else sick we all share mics and practice in a very small, very warm room. So--I'm just chillin' at home all day.

Tour starts in 5 days. I better be better by then.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Update of Sorts

I finally broke through two weeks of writer's block. It's been a really, really rough last two weeks. Quite a roller coaster.

*Boy issues. (Happy to report that I'm finally on the "not-worth-my-time-and-I-deserve-better" train.

*Kayleen rolled her car Monday night on the freeway headed back to BSU. Thankfully she's okay, but it was really scary to know that things could have turned out very different.

*Tour scheduling has come out and changed several times and at no one point has everyone been happy with the way things are. As it stands, I'll be performing the Queen of May song and I'm pretty excited about it.

A few good tid bits of news:

*Planning a tour with 5 other people from here on the way back to Colorado. We'll play basically across the country, stopping in Colorado for my graduation and continuing on to California to hang out at a friend's condo--go to the beach--and potentially play at the House of Blues. This tour will also include camping at Mount Rushmore and the Grand Canyon.

*I might get to see a few people from CCU because our tours (CMC and CCU band) overlap in Chicago this month.

*Kate from JillandKate (they do their own music and are Kelly Clarkson's back up singers) really like my song Red Lights and told me they've had it stuck in their heads since last weeks show. So that's really nice. That song was one of the ones Tom said I should get rid of. So--really glad I trusted my intuition on that.

I think things are hopefully finally looking up. It helps that I was finally able to write a song. I am going to be happy and the last few bad weeks won't carry over into the next few weeks. Well--I need to pay attention in class now--it could probably actually be beneficial to learn about publishing and copyrights.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Terrible, Horrible, No Good Very Bad Day

1. locked my keys in my car the other day
2. friends helped me get them out but apparently caused damaged to my door because:
3. it's raining today and my car is filled with water. not filled. but you get the idea
4. tour line up came out and while I'm in it and doing a song I really like, totally got screwed because:
5. gave me the most make shift band ever
6. really hungry
7. really want a shower
8. had one of "those" conversations last night
9. voice hurts
10. it's still raining


Thursday, March 3, 2011


Best show of my life tonight. Best vocal performance of the semester. Totally engaged and people followed. Band pulled this shit off after just 2 rehearsals. I stuck with songs I knew were good despite what someone else told me. I looked good. (haha) I had fun. It was perfect.

I also locked my keys in my car and three of the guys broke into my car to get them out. Highlight of the night for sure. They had to work at least forty five minutes for it. It was just so cool seeing them look like legit criminals. I think they tried at least six different things before we found something that worked including hangers, sticks and metal rods.

Love. My. Life. Hope I still do after game tape. Also--we won't be finding out about the tour lineup tomorrow anymore. Knew something would happen.


Last CMC Live tonight before tour prep starts. I'm doing two songs that I have done about 743.5 rewrites of. I'm pretty happy with the final outcome, but I'm pretty sure that out of all the people on stage with me tonight, I will be the one most unsure of how the song goes. We've only had two rehearsals and because of all the rewrites I get kind of confused about what the song actually is now. I forget the words to one song all the time. BUT--I will think positively about it and I'm sure it will be just fine. Anyway, just excited for the show in general tonight.

After the show, we'll have game tape Friday morning and then we'll find out what the tour lineup is going to be. Right after that we'll have an entire weekend of rehearsals and hammer time on Monday we'll just run straight through the set and then begin to make changes. Thursday we do the show again, rehearse again over the weekend, hammer time again Monday, the next Thursday will be a public show, rehearse over weekend, dress rehearsal Monday and then our first show is Tuesday. We have a nine day tour with tentatively seven shows planned so far. It's gonna be crazy awesome insanity. As soon as we get back--it's spring break time! Then a few more weeks where we focus mostly on recording and then........we're done. Wow. Time has and will continue to fly by. I don't know what my role will be on tour, but obviously I would hope to get to do a few of my songs. So we'll see on Friday I guess.

Lastly. I have recently discovered the game Bananagrams and I am absolutely addicted to it. It's pretty much always being played in our apartment anytime anyone is home now. I just love word games. I consider it an aid to my songwriting: vocabulary expansion or something. Good times.