Saturday, March 26, 2011


Well. Since Greenville we've played at Wheaton College, had a free day in Chicago (which I spent as a lazy bum hanging around the hotel) and tonight we're playing at Cedarville University. Tomorrow we're at Malone University, Monday is Asbury University and then Tuesday we finish the tour with a show at the CMC. Every night I am more and more convinced that I love music and want to do it--which is scary because I don't know how. I don't know if I can. I don't know if the world will let me. But I want to. I love it.

On another note. I've just been thinking a lot about friendships and relationships lately. I realized that I have a hard time claiming what is mine in relationships--especially once it has been threatened. After that happens, I constantly feel insecure and become hyper sensitive--and I don't think people around me realize I can be that fragile. But I can. However, I think I need to work on being better at owning what is mine and not letting others take it from me. So that's my motivational thought for now.

Currently there is some kid on stage rap. Not sure how that is even a genre but...okay. More cowbell please.

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