Sunday, March 20, 2011


I've never been one for being homesick. I mean sure, I miss home and family while I'm a school--but I've never been the type to have homesickness distract me or hold me back. However here, in Tennessee, I am debilitatingly homesick for Colorado. I think it's because I miss MY friends. I miss DEEP friendships. I miss MY group with OUR inside jokes and the way we just know how to read each other, how we know how to love each other, and how we are all pretty much on the same page. Maybe I'm too attached to them though. I mean, what if I'm so attached to what I have in Colorado now, that I won't ever be satisfied anywhere else? That's dangerous because what I have now in Colorado truly is temporary. The relationships aren't, but the we're-all-in-one-place-together probably is. Most of these friendships are most likely going to end up being long distance. I think I need to learn to invest more into where I am instead of just missing where I'm not/where I was.

That being said--I would love to see a familiar Colorado face right now. Someone who knows who my friends/mentors are in Colorado. Someone who understands and doesn't need prefatory remarks about my life before everything I say.

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