Monday, April 12, 2010

Friends? ha.

Well. I guess it's always good to find out what people really think.

Like finding out that your friends who have been encouraging you to pursue writing and recording your own music don't actually think you can do it. This being made obvious by the fact that they tell you to find lots of opportunities to play and record--but when an opportunity comes up to play--they tell you they think you're not good enough. Sweet. Never mind that the other people who are playing--half of their songs don't even have memorable or follow-able melodies. Never mind that they have the same "areas of growth" to the same degree that I do--meaning they're not much better than me in the first place. They're just--well, them. and I'm me. Which means I don't get recognized, just patronized. And them? Well they get recognized--and treated like the gods of the CCU music scene. Great.

Well. I should be done with my rant. I guess I'm done writing music for now too.

1 comment:

Becky Schell said...

You can't let other people keep you from doing what you love. There are always going to be people in the world who oppose what you do. You can't allow them to trip you up.

Of course there is room for improvement! We all have room for improvement. We all have to constantly work on improving our skills, no matter what we do. We are all growing in the Lord and that is where we are supposed to be.

Your music is an expression of your love of God and you need to keep working toward whatever it is He has planned for you to do with it.

When you were home at Christmas and stepped in to lead worship when your church needed you, I was so pleased to be able to come and see you do that. You are really talented and you handled it beautifully.

I love you, sweet girl, and I will be praying that the Lord helps you through this tough time. Remember that He is sovereign and as I have told you before, He allows trials for a purpose and He will grow you stronger through this one.

Remember too, that people will always let you down and you can't put your faith in them, only Jesus is constant and completely trustworthy.