Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Well I'm sick so that's obnoxious. I've had a crazy sore throat the last three days and decided to go to the doctor today because I was suspecting strep throat. Got two strep tests (yay me) and the first one turned up negative--so they sent the second one out to be cultured or something and I'll have those (more reliable) results Thursday or Friday. Until then, we're hoping it's just a ton of sinus drainage so I'm taking a butt load of Sudafed and got a prescription for Lidocaine--5 bottles of it to be exact. I don't think I'll be running low on that anytime soon. The stuff tastes terrible and makes me gag but man--it totally numbs my throat and very swollen tonsils so I'll put up with it.

I had to miss all my rehearsals today and I'm really bummed about that. Usually when I'm sick I'm all about getting out of as many things as I can to just rest but I really feel like I needed the rehearsal time. And mostly I felt up to it--but since I could potentially have strep it wasn't worth risking getting everyone else sick we all share mics and practice in a very small, very warm room. So--I'm just chillin' at home all day.

Tour starts in 5 days. I better be better by then.

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