Monday, February 28, 2011

Tornados and Jacuzzi's

On the CMC retreat in the Smokey Mountains. It's been a glorious, rainy two days that I have loved. My room has a California king sized bed and a jacuzzi. Ohhhh yeah. Very relaxing. Very needed break. Had some time to just journal and read and think in an uninterrupted fashion and this is some of what I have been thinking about:

Love is a selfish commodity. At least until you're married. Because love and relationships are all about evaluating how this other person fits into your life, how they make you feel, and trying to determine if they are someone you want around for the next fifty or sixty years. It's selfish until you make the commitment to no longer be selfish.

My life doesn't not look religious. I am not prone to being religious. I'd like to be real instead. But being/looking religious is easier to achieve, easier to define, and more readily recognized and respected by others. Being real is hard to define, hard to do, and frequently makes most other people uncomfortable. But I prefer reality to religiosity.

Rocky Mountains trump the Smokeys. No contest.

And lastly--we spent the afternoon in Gatlinburg after tornado watches passed and I wore shorts and a thin sweatshirt and moccasins. Not a good choice when it's pouring buckets of rain outside. We crammed 20+ people into a 15 passenger van. Best last semester of college ever. Real life will never compare.

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